israel, oslo, peace process, rabin, peres, beilin, peace now, israeli, leftists, intifada, holocaust, labor, left, meretz, mitzna

A Chronology of the "Peace" Process

Pre-Pope Wojtyla

Rabbi Meshulum

CIA Begins Training Palestinian "Police"

Does the State Dep't. Lie About Israel ... or Does a Bear S*** in the Woods?

Can a U.S. President be Arrested?

So Israel is Just Another Czechoslovakia?

Ginosar Handled Monies for Arafat

Peace Now:
"We Lied to Get Support"

Who is Gilad Zar?

The Gilad Farm
Part I

The Gilad Farm
Part II

The Upcoming Elections

Peres' Protegees

Israel's Most Dangerous Politician

Illusions & Delusions





Peace Now, Labor, Liberal, Left, Meretz... short, the TRAITORS!





Oslo War
1. The Dark Forces inside Israel.

2. The conspiracy and manipulations
of the New World Order as it corrupts
the leaders of Israel and steers Israel
toward self-destruction.


 The Info that will be posted here will provide a balance against mainstream establishment media sources. It will also be an excellent resource for those interested in the truth behind the propaganda.

Israel, the Left, the Oslo "Peace Process,"
Peres, Rabin, Mitzna, Beilin and more! 
















Iraqi Scuds and Weapons of Mass Destructions
This site detailing the Iraqi Ballistic Missiles and Weapons of Mass Destruction


ISRAEL 101: A Survival Kit for Dummies
"The Voice of Reality"



Special Thanks for the Assistance of Rockwell Lazareth at

